CG (Computer Graphics) is proudly produced & published
by Technews
Issue Date: October 2001

Solid Edge develops professional certification program for its customers

1 November 2001

UGS has launched a certified professional program to allow engineers and other technical professionals to measure their proficiency in the use of Solid Edge, its computer-aided design (CAD) software system.
The Solid Edge Certified Professional program's comprehensive, standardised test measures a wide range of user modelling skills and general Solid Edge knowledge. The program benefits both the professional and the company.
"The Solid Edge certification is a great measurement tool," says Alastair Henderson, Chairman of the Solid Edge User Group and CAD Manager at Chicago-based S&C; Electric Company. "It enables us to recognise our expert users as well as identify potential usability and training issues we may need to address. It helps us develop a comprehensive training programme and fine-tune it based on the outcome of the certification results."
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