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Issue Date: August 2003

oneZone offers one-stop experience

1 August 2003

The oneZone Internet café at the Hillcrest Boulevard in Lynnwood, Pretoria, is offering its customers a somewhat unique array of services that bring together digitally based entertainment, communications and document processing.
An Océ 3165E digital laser printer is playing a pivotal role in the diverse range of offerings provided by oneZone. oneZone customers have access to various facilities, including the Internet and digital document processing, comprising copying, scanning and printing. The café's PCs are networked to an Océ 3165E digital laser printer that allows for quality printing and copying for subsequent document finishing - which is also offered by oneZone.
The Océ 3165E printer is serving several purposes: it is a centralised printer for Internet-users who wish to print out pages; it is a copier for general use; and it is a scanner. The 3165E also has a mailbox facility that allows the Internet user to store documents until he is ready to print them. The documents can then be retrieved and printed. A scanned item can be sent to the user's PC so that it can be adjusted and then printed, or saved to disk for later use.
The 3165E can be placed in any open access location and every user can walk up and enjoy the benefits of digital copying and printing. The machine is capable of printing 65 high speed images a minute. In addition, Océ Image Logic image processing technology automatically optimises digital quality before printing, so even dark or damaged originals are reproduced with maximum clarity.
oneZone's Robert MacFarlane says, "The machine is very user-friendly which is essential, as we cannot train every single person who walks in off the street and needs to make a photocopy. Also, it is a robust machine, which is highly suitable for casual users, and should something go wrong, the machine has autorecovery of print or copy jobs."
For more information contact Pierre La Grange, Océ, 011 661 9555.

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